Research on Self-Decoupling Segmented Coil Rail and Dual-Mode Switching Strategy of Dynamic Wireless Charging System

Published in Proceedings of the CSEE, 2023

DOI link: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.PCSEE.230797

Keywords: Electric Vehicles, Dynamic Wireless Charging, Self-Decoupling, Position Detection, Dual-Mode Switching.

What - Clarification of the Core Content:

  • This study introduces a dynamic wireless charging system for electric vehicles that includes a self-decoupled segmented transmitter rail to mitigate cross-coupling effects and offers a stable charging process.
  • The proposed system analyzes self-decoupling between adjacent transmitter coils, using naturally decoupling orthogonal solenoid and square coils to improve position detection and charging stability.
  • A strategy involving two operational modes is presented, allowing the activation of one or two transmitter coils based on the optimal charging area.

Why - Analysis of the Purpose:

  • The study aims to address the challenges of cross-coupling between transmission coils in dynamic wireless charging systems for electric vehicles and to enhance the efficiency and stability of the charging process.
  • The study seeks to simplify the design of the compensation topology by naturally decoupling the coils and improving the position detection of the receiver.

How - Description of the Methods Used:

  • The system design incorporates hierarchical windings of solenoid coils to establish natural decoupling and avoid interference between detection signals and power delivery.
  • A solenoid-detecting coil, orthogonally wounded on the receiver coil, is used for precise position detection, ensuring reliable and accurate operation.
  • Simulation analysis and an experimental platform validate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed design, showcasing improved performance and efficiency.

Key Findings and Insights:

  • The self-decoupled segmented transmitter rail demonstrated a significant reduction in cross-coupling effects and enhanced the system’s performance, leading to more stable charging.
  • The dual-mode working method and segmented switching strategy provided adaptive control over the power delivery process, improving the system’s output power stability.

Examples of Critical Solutions Proposed:

  • A novel coil structure design and mode switching control strategy are proposed to achieve a dynamic wireless charging system that is more efficient and reliable.

  • The study presents an experimental platform to showcase the practical application of the proposed system, achieving high efficiency and stability in electric vehicle charging.

Research Gaps and Future Work:

  • While the study provides innovative solutions for dynamic wireless charging, further research is encouraged to explore additional applications and optimizations for varying electric vehicle charging scenarios.

Recommended citation: Xian Zhang, Weida Xu, Fengxian Wang*, Chaoyang Yuan, Qingxin Yang, Zhongyu Dai. Research on Self-Decoupling Segmented Coil Rail and Dual-Mode Switching Strategy of Dynamic Wireless Charging System. Proceedings of the CSEE. Early Access.
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